Via Livio, 14 – Building Grassi
6830 Chiasso Switzerland

Notice on surety bonds

Notice on surety bonds

Notice on surety bonds for companies on this list:

Surety bonds guaranteeing the fulfilment of contractual obligations by customers in relation to the following types of contracts:

  1. for the continuous supply of goods
  2. for continuous provision of services
  3. for procurement between companies
  4. for rental of buildings
  5. for rental of companies and/or company branches
  6. for transactions between companies
  7. for sale on paper of properties to be built or under construction
  8. for real estate exchanges
  9. for franchising
  10. for real estate sales
  11. for cancellation of mortgage encumbrances
  12. for hidden liabilities, including those of a fiscal nature
  13. for bankruptcy and ordinary revocatory action
  14. for the purchase of multi-property rights
  15. for the granting of licenses, mandates, representations, deposits
  16. for donation
  17. for "loyalty" to the employer
  18. for preliminary sales agreements
  19. for the fulfilment of obligations to "do" and "give" arising from agreements between the parties

Surety bonds to guarantee the fulfilment of contractual obligations to customers in relation to legal disputes:

  1. to guarantee plans for restructuring or reduction of company debt
  2. to obtain a stay of execution in the context of legal proceedings
  3. to suspend or revoke judicial seizure
  4. to obtain or suspend judicial measures of a precautionary nature
  5. for the payment of judicial expenses
  6. for payment of remuneration to Arbitrators
  7. for the granting of urgent judicial measures
  8. to suspend the enforceability of enforceable but not definitive judicial titles

Surety bonds guaranteeing the fulfilment of contractual obligations by customers in relation to benefits or authorisations granted by public entities:

  1. for the opening of Travel Agencies and Tourism
  2. for enrolment in the register of freight forwarders
  3. for the anticipation of national and community contributions
  4. for the fulfilment of obligations undertaken to obtain contributions
  5. for the advance payment of contributions for cooperation programs in favour of developing countries
  6. for environmental recovery
  7. for waste collection and disposal
  8. for the payment of penalties
  9. for the fulfilment of any and all obligations to "do" and "give" arising from the law or the conditions dictated by the beneficiary public entity.

Surety bonds guaranteeing the fulfilment of contractual obligations by clients arising from procurement/tendering contracts (Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Money Retainances Bonds, Advance Payment Bonds, Maintenance Bonds):

  1. for participation in procurements
  2. for the proper execution and completion of works
  3. for the contractual advance payment
  4. for the release of guarantee withholdings
  5. for the revision of prices
  6. for hidden defects
  7. for maintenance
  8. for the supply of goods and/or provision of services
  9. for the fulfilment of any and all obligations to "do" and "give" arising from the law or from the contract entered into

Surety bonds guaranteeing the fulfilment of contractual obligations of a purely financial nature:

  1. for property leasing
  2. for real estate leasing
  3. for medium/long-term loans backed by collateral/ real guarantees may be issued, clearly after suitable information to the customer and with his express consent, by banks and/or financial institutions; in this case CSC COMPAGNIA SVIZZERA CAUZIONI S.A., carrying out an in-depth investigation aimed at verifying:
  1. the solvency, equity, profitability, morality, technical capacity and indemnity of the client and its guarantors and / or co-obligors;
  1. reasonableness, sustainability and profitability of the new industrial, real estate, commercial or construction investment that the client has made or intends to make; may prepare its own independent evaluations which may be used by banks and/or financial institutions indicated by the Company to obtain the requested surety bond. The Company will therefore limit itself to providing consultancy and assigning a credit rating to the client.

“This document is a simple translation into English of the original document in Italian, the official language of Cantone Ticino, which can be found on the website Therefore, in the event of inaccuracies, errors, imprecisions, or difficulties in interpreting this document, the original document in Italian shall prevail; this also applies if there is a contrast between what is reported in this document and what is reported in the original document in Italian. - Il presente documento è la traduzione semplice in lingua inglese del documento originario in lingua italiana, lingua ufficiale del Cantone Ticino, presente sul sito; pertanto in caso di inesattezze, errori, imprecisioni, difficoltà interpretative del presente documento, prevale il documento originario in lingua Italiana; questo anche nel caso in cui vi fosse un contrasto fra quanto riportato nel presente documento e quanto riportato sul documento originario in lingua Italiana.”