Sureties bonds guaranteeing the fulfilling of contractual obligations by customers in relation to the following types of contracts:
- for the ongoing supply of goods
- for ongoing provision of services
- for procurement between companies
- for property rental
- for rental of companies and/or company branches
- for transactions between companies
- for sale on paper of properties to be built or under construction
- for real estate exchange
- for franchising
- for real estate sales
- for cancellation of mortgage incumbencies
- for hidden liabilities, including those of a fiscal nature
- for bankruptcy and ordinary revocation
- for the purchase of multi-property rights
- for the granting of licenses, mandates, representations, deposits
- for donation
- for "loyalty" to the Employer
- for preliminary sales agreements
- for the fulfilment of obligations to "do" and "give" arising from agreements between the parties
- the surety bond guarantees to the Seller the respect of the obligations of the Buyer arising from the contract for the supply of goods.
- the surety guarantees to the Beneficiary the respect of the obligations of the Contractor arising from the contract for the supply of services.
- the surety bond guarantees to the Contracting Authority the proper execution and completion of the work by the Contractor. It may also be issued in favour of the Contractor if the guarantee is inherent to the payment of the contractually agreed price by the Contracting Authority.
- the surety bond guarantees to the landlord the carrying out of the obligations arising from the lease of the property by the Tenant. The guarantee may also include losses arising both from the non-payment of rent and ancillary charges and from the non-release of the property within the contractually agreed time.
- the surety bond guarantees to the lessor the carrying out of the obligations arising from the lease of the company or company branch at the expense of the conductor. The guarantee may also include the losses arising both from the non-payment of the rent and ancillary charges and from the non-release of the company within the contractually agreed time.
- the surety bond guarantees the beneficiary the fulfilment of the obligations of the contractor arising from the transaction carried out.
- the surety bond guarantees the promising buyer of a property to be built or under construction the fulfilment of the obligations of the builder or rather the delivery of the property on a turnkey basis and the absence of encumbrances on it.
- the surety bond guarantees to the seller of the land and/or the factory sold in exchange to the builder, the construction and the delivery of the property foreseen in the exchange contract. The guarantee may also include any monetary adjustments and contractual penalties.
- the surety bond guarantees to the Beneficiary the respect of the contractual obligations of the affiliate. The guarantee may include both the payment of the contractually agreed price for the supply of goods and services and the minimum annual turnover.
- the surety bond guarantees to the seller of real estate the contractual obligations, also of a monetary nature, to be borne by the purchaser; it can also guarantee any obligations having fiscal repercussions. It can also guarantee the purchaser compensation for the amount paid in the event of cancellation for any reason of the public deed of purchase, with the exception of both the so-called donation risk and revocation.
- the surety bond guarantees the buyer of real estate property the cancellation of encumbrances existing on the property purchased within the contractually envisaged terms.
- the surety bond guarantees the beneficiary reimbursement of any contingent liabilities, including those of a fiscal nature, arising subsequent to the conclusion of the final contract for the sale of the company, company shares and property.
- the surety bond guarantees the purchaser reimbursement of the sum paid for the purchase of property in the event of cancellation of the public deed of purchase following bankruptcy and/or ordinary revocation action. The guarantee may also be extended to cover restructuring expenses. The guarantee can be bound to the benefit of the Credit Institute providing the loan necessary for the purchase of the property.
- the surety bond guarantees the promising purchaser of real estate shares compensation for the down payments made in the event of failure by the company owning the property promised for sale.
- the surety bond guarantees the beneficiary the fulfilment of the obligations provided for in the contract of license, mandate, representation, deposit. The guarantee may be extended to include the obligation to return goods on consignment.
- the surety bond guarantees to the purchaser of real estate the compensation of the consideration paid in the event of annulment of the public deed of purchase for reasons arising from a deed of donation. The guarantee can be bound for the benefit of the Credit Institute providing the loan.
- the surety bond guarantees the Employer compensation for losses caused by wilful misconduct or gross negligence.
- the surety bond guarantees to the promising buyer the fulfilment of the contractual obligations to be fulfilled by the promising seller and therefore the delivery of the goods on time and with the contractually agreed characteristics. It can also guarantee to the promising seller the fulfilment of the monetary obligations to be paid by the promising buyer.
Surety bond to guarantee the fulfilment of contractual obligations to customers in relation to legal disputes:
- to guarantee plans to restructure or reduce the company's debts
- to obtain a stay of execution within the scope of legal proceedings
- to suspend or revoke judicial seizure
- to obtain or suspend judicial measures of a precautionary nature
- for the payment of legal expenses
- for the payment of fees to Arbitrators
- for the granting of urgent judicial measures
- to suspend the enforceability of judicial titles that are enforceable but not definitive
Surety bonds to guarantee the fulfilment of contractual obligations by customers in relation to
benefits or authorisations granted by public entities:
- for the opening of Travel Agencies and Tourism
- for enrolment in the register of freight forwarders
- for the anticipation of national and community contributions
- for the fulfilment of obligations undertaken to obtain contributions
- for the advance payment of contributions for cooperation programs in favour of developing
- for environmental recovery
- for the collection and disposal of waste
- for the payment of penalties
- for the fulfilment of any and all obligations to "do" and "give" arising from the law or the
conditions dictated by the beneficiary public body.
- surety bond issued in order to obtain the administrative license necessary to carry out the activity. Guarantees the fulfilment of the obligations and prescriptions provided for by law.
- surety bond or certificate of reliability issued in order to obtain the administrative license and/or registration in the appropriate Register for the exercise of the activity. Guarantees the fulfilment of the obligations and requirements envisaged by the Law. surety bond issued to the public body providing the contribution to ensure the proper use of the sums advanced. The guarantee expires following the reporting of expenses incurred and the positive response of the Public Entity.
- This typology is extremely heterogeneous in that the advances are granted: on regional, national and community contributions; for training, retraining and refresher courses; for industrial, commercial, artisan, real estate, tourist investments, increase in stocks, scientific research;
- surety bond issued to the public body granting the cooperation program and aimed at obtaining an advance on the expenditure program.
- surety bond issued to the public body to guarantee the restoration and environmental recovery of sites in accordance with the law.
- surety bond issued to obtain the administrative license and/or registration in the appropriate Register for the exercise of the activity. It guarantees the fulfilment of the obligations and prescriptions provided for by law.
- surety bond issued to the Public Body exclusively for the payment of penalties provided for in the contract or its additions for the company's failure to meet precise time obligations.
Surety bonds guaranteeing the fulfilment of contractual obligations by clients arising from procurement/ tendering contracts (Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Money Retainances Bonds, Advance Payment Bonds, Maintenance Bonds):
- for participation in procurements
- for the good execution and end of works
- for the contractual advance payment
- for the release of withholdings as guarantee
- for price revision
- for hidden defects
- for maintenance
- for the supply of goods and/or services
- for the fulfilment of any and all obligations to "do" and "give" arising from the law or from the stipulated contract:
- the surety bond is issued in the interest of the company taking part in the tender and for the benefit of the Contracting Authority. The surety bond, in addition to guaranteeing that the company participates in the tender meets the requirements set out in the call for tenders, guarantees, in case of adjudication, the issue of the performance bond (the so-called "definitive" bond).
- the surety bond is issued in the interest of the company awarded the contract, and guarantees to the Contracting Authority the fulfilment of the obligations incumbent on the company as set out in the contract.
- the surety bond is issued to guarantee the gradual recovery of the advance payment granted by the Contracting Authority to the Company by means of constant deductions from the Work Progress Reports.
- the surety bond allows for the immediate encashment of the withholdings withheld as a guarantee by the Contracting Authority on each State of Progress of Works.
- the surety bond guarantees the Contracting Authority payment for price revisions.
- the surety guarantees the Contracting Authority that there are no hidden defects.
- the surety bond guarantees the Contracting Authority that the company will fulfil its contractual maintenance obligations.
- the surety bond guarantees the Contracting Authority the fulfilment of the contractual obligations to be fulfilled by the company, and specifically, the delivery times, quantity, quality and performance of the services and/or assistance contractually envisaged.
Surety bonds guaranteeing the fulfilment of contractual obligations of a purely financial nature:
- for property leasing
- for real estate leasing
- for medium/long-term loans backed by collateral/ real guarantees
- the surety bond guarantees the Leasing Company reimbursement of the losses incurred due to the ascertained insolvency of the debtor. The guarantee can be extended both to the contractually agreed interests and to the interests on arrears and legal expenses. The guarantee decreases in proportion to the amortisation plan. The loss is calculated taking into account the recovery of the asset and the subsequent sale to third parties.
- the surety bond guarantees the Leasing Company compensation for losses incurred due to the ascertained insolvency of the debtor. The guarantee includes the contractually agreed interest, default interest, legal expenses and tax charges on the property. The guarantee decreases in proportion to the repayment plan. The loss is calculated taking into account the amounts collected for the sale of the property to third parties or the commercial value of the property agreed between the Company and the Leasing Company.
- the surety bond guarantees to the Credit Institution the compensation of the losses suffered and counted after the definitive enforcement of the real guarantees prematurely provided by the debtor. The guarantee includes the contractually agreed interests, the legal expenses and a prefixed share of the interests on arrears. The guarantee decreases in proportion to the amortisation plan.
“This document is a simple translation into English of the original document in Italian, the official language of Cantone Ticino, which can be found on the website Therefore, in the event of inaccuracies, errors, imprecisions, or difficulties in interpreting this document, the original document in Italian shall prevail; this also applies if there is a contrast between what is reported in this document and what is reported in the original document in Italian. - Il presente documento è la traduzione semplice in lingua inglese del documento originario in lingua italiana, lingua ufficiale del Cantone Ticino, presente sul sito; pertanto in caso di inesattezze, errori, imprecisioni, difficoltà interpretative del presente documento, prevale il documento originario in lingua Italiana; questo anche nel caso in cui vi fosse un contrasto fra quanto riportato nel presente documento e quanto riportato sul documento originario in lingua Italiana.”