In accordance with the principle of confidentiality of personal data, it is pointed out that the providers of CSC COMPAGNIA SVIZZERA CAUZIONI S.A. are not mentioned on the certificate of the registry of commerce of CSC COMPAGNIA SVIZZERA CAUZIONI S.A.
Therefore, in order to legitimise their own actions towards third parties, the providers must provide, when required by law or whenever they deem it necessary or appropriate, the original notarial proxy of attorney and an identity document.
It should be noted that the providers of CSC COMPAGNIA SVIZZERA CAUZIONI S.A. have different functions and therefore have different tasks and powers; therefore, customers are invited, in the event that the relationship with CSC COMPAGNIA SVIZZERA CAUZIONI S.A. is through a provider, to request the production of documents legitimising his position and powers; in case of doubts regarding the legitimacy of the provider, the client must promptly contact the secretary of the legal office of CSC COMPAGNIA SVIZZERA CAUZIONI S.A. (tel. 0041.91.2103290 fax 0041.91.2103296 e-mail: to obtain written confirmation of the legitimacy of the attorney.
“This document is a simple translation into English of the original document in Italian, the official language of Cantone Ticino, which can be found on the website Therefore, in the event of inaccuracies, errors, imprecisions, or difficulties in interpreting this document, the original document in Italian shall prevail; this also applies if there is a contrast between what is reported in this document and what is reported in the original document in Italian. - Il presente documento è la traduzione semplice in lingua inglese del documento originario in lingua italiana, lingua ufficiale del Cantone Ticino, presente sul sito; pertanto in caso di inesattezze, errori, imprecisioni, difficoltà interpretative del presente documento, prevale il documento originario in lingua Italiana; questo anche nel caso in cui vi fosse un contrasto fra quanto riportato nel presente documento e quanto riportato sul documento originario in lingua Italiana.”